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Intuition versus Faulheit
Aktuelle Studien zeigen, dass Menschen am Tag bis zu 100.000 Entscheidungen treffen – von der Wahl des Shampoos am morgen bis zum Fernsehprogramm am Abend. Viele dieser Entscheidungen fällen wir aber unbewusst, weil sie sich so in unseren Alltag integriert haben, dass uns gar nicht klar ist, dass wir in diesem Augenblick einen Handlungsweg aus vielen Wahlmöglichkeiten aussuchen.
The origin of meditation dates back more than 2.000 years. There are different approaches to meditation techniques whose roots lie in different religious cultures: Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and some more. Most of these Eastern practices “aim” at the enlightenment of the meditator. The Western understanding of meditation, which became popular in the 1960s, sets its focus more on the measurable effects of meditation – health, performance, biological and psychological improvements. That is why meditation, awareness and mindfulness became more and more the subject of scientific studies and research. And thankfully they are so until today – since there is still a lot to be explored. And this work is important to convince people whore are more eligible for statistics and data before they leave their comfort zone to try something completely new. Meditation has nothing to do with esotericism and crystal balls. Research is necessary to undermine this. That is how – hopefully – it will continue to find its way into business and illness treatment.
Brain Waves
When one gains knowledge about the scientific facts behind brain wave function, they gain a doorway into “the zone” of optimal focus and performance. There is good reason that corporations of all kinds now include meditation techniques into their training sessions more frequently. This is not just a recreational activity. It has proven itself as effective and is based in scientific fact. Using meditation techniques with sound and music shift brain wave frequencies.